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I received a complaint that my art piece of "NYC-2007" is insensitive.  Usually I don't take complaints of "insensitivity" seriously.

Here is what is insensitive:
----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: what did they know and when did they know it
These are all anti terrorist bills before 9 11 2001 
all information here can be found at
All these bills and laws and yet we are still attacked!
I am not blaming anyone.  All I am doing is pointing out facts.



H.CON.RES.222 : Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the inherent right of self-defense.
Sponsor: Rep Saxton, Jim- Latest Major Action: 9/10/2001 Referred to House committee
Committees: House International Relations notice date 9/10/2001 

31. H.R.1292 : To require the President to develop and implement a strategy for homeland security.
Sponsor: Rep Skelton, Ike- Latest Major Action: 4/24/2001 House committee/subcommittee actions: Joint Hearing Held by the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management and by the Subcommittee on National Security, Veteran's Affairs and International Relations (Government Reform).
Committees: House Armed Services; House Transportation and Infrastructure; House Judiciary; House Select Committee on Intelligence date 4/24/2001

32. H.R.1338 : To provide for the designation of an Assistant Secretary of State for Victims of International Terrorism.
Sponsor: Rep Bentsen, Ken- Latest Major Action: 4/3/2001 Referred to House committee
Committees: House International Relations date 4/3/2001

6. H.CON.RES.411 : Relating to the reestablishment of representative government in Afghanistan.
Sponsor: Rep Campbell, Tom- Latest Major Action: 9/27/2000 Referred to House committee
Committees: House International Relations 

11. H.RES.406 : Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Pakistan should be designated as a state sponsor of 
Sponsor: Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr.- Latest Major Action: 2/15/2000 Referred to House subcommittee
Committees: House International Relations 

15. H.R.628 : To amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Armed Forces, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the United States Customs Service in the performance of border protection functions.
Sponsor: Rep Traficant, James A., Jr.- Latest Major Action: 2/23/1999 House committee/subcommittee actions: Executive Comment Requested from DOD.
Committees: House Armed Services 

21. H.R.1080 : To provide penalties for terrorist attacks against mass transportation.
Sponsor: Rep Blumenauer, Earl- Latest Major Action: 9/24/1999 Referred to House subcommittee
Committees: House Judiciary 

26. H.R.1745 : To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for the removal of aliens who associate with known terrorists.
Sponsor: Rep Andrews, Robert E.- Latest Major Action: 5/18/1999 House committee/subcommittee actions: Subcommittee Hearings Held.
Committees: House Judiciary 

31. H.R.2172 : To require the Secretary of State to report on United States citizens injured or killed by certain terrorist groups.
Sponsor: Rep Salmon, Matt- Latest Major Action: 6/10/1999 Referred to House committee
Committees: House International Relations 

32. H.R.2184 : To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for the removal of aliens who aid or abet a terrorist organization or an individual who has conducted, is conducting, or is planning to conduct a terrorist activity.
Sponsor: Rep Andrews, Robert E.- Latest Major Action: 6/15/1999 Referred to House subcommittee
Committees: House Judiciary 

46. H.R.4210 : To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for improved Federal efforts to prepare for and respond to terrorist attacks, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Fowler, Tillie- Latest Major Action: 7/26/2000 Referred to Senate committee
Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure; Senate Environment 

52. H.R.5500 : To require the Attorney General to establish an office in the Department of Justice to monitor acts of international terrorism alleged to have been committed by Palestinian individuals or individuals acting on behalf of Palestinian organizations and to carry out certain other related activities.
Sponsor: Rep Andrews, Robert E.- Latest Major Action: 10/19/2000 Referred to House committee
Committees: House Judiciary 

54. H.AMDT.158 to H.R.1401 Amendment authorizes the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Armed Forces, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service and U.S. Customs Service in preventing the entry of terrorists and and drug traffickers into the United States. 
Sponsor: Rep Traficant, James A., Jr.- Latest Major Action: 6/10/1999 House amendment agreed to 

56. H.AMDT.718 to H.R.4205 Amendment authorizes the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Armed Forces, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service and U.S. Customs Service in preventing the entry of terrorists and and drug traffickers into the United States. 
Sponsor: Rep Traficant, James A., Jr.- Latest Major Action: 5/18/2000 House amendment agreed to 

57. S.CON.RES.24 : A bill to express the sense of the Congress on the need for United States to defend the American agricultural and food supply system from industrial sabotage and terrorist threats.
Sponsor: Sen Lugar, Richard G.- Latest Major Action: 3/25/1999 Referred to Senate committee
Committees: Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 

59. S.CON.RES.142 : A concurrent resolution relating to the reestablishment of representative government in Afghanistan.
Sponsor: Sen Brownback, Sam- Latest Major Action: 10/5/2000 Referred to Senate committee
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations 

61. S.RES.115 : A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding United States citizens killed in terrorist attacks in Israel.
Sponsor: Sen Ashcroft, John- Latest Major Action: 6/10/1999 Referred to Senate committee
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations 

62. S.RES.287 : A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding U. S. policy toward Libya.
Sponsor: Sen Helms, Jesse- Latest Major Action: 4/27/2000 Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3033-3034; text: CR S3034)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations 

66. S.679 : A bill to authorize appropriations to the Department of State for construction and security of United States diplomatic facilities, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Grams, Rod- Latest Major Action: 3/23/1999 Referred to Senate committee
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations 

70. S.886 : An original bill to authorize appropriations for the Department of State for fiscal years 2000 and 2001; to provide for enhanced security at United States diplomatic facilities; to provide for certain arms control, nonproliferation, and other national security measures; to provide for the reform of the United Nations; and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Helms, Jesse- Latest Major Action: 8/3/1999 Senate incorporated this measure in H.R. 2415 as an amendment.
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations 

75. S.1199 : A bill to require the Secretary of State to report on United States citizens injured or killed by certain terrorist groups.
Sponsor: Sen Ashcroft, John- Latest Major Action: 6/10/1999 Referred to Senate committee
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations 

82. S.2783 : A bill entitled the "21st Century Law Enforcement and Public Safety Act."
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J.(by request) - Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 Referred to Senate committee
Committees: Senate Judiciary 

85. S.3205 : A bill to enhance the capability of the United States to deter, prevent, thwart, and respond to international acts of terrorism against United States nationals and interests.
Sponsor: Sen Kyl, Jon- Latest Major Action: 12/4/2000 House preparation for floor: Held at the desk.
Committees: Senate Judiciary 

86. S.AMDT.728 to S.886 To require the Secretary of State to report on United State citizens injured or killed by certain terrorist groups. 
Sponsor: Sen Ashcroft, John- Latest Major Action 

87. S.AMDT.1180 to S.1234 McConnell amendment to S. 1234 relating to the designation of Serbia as a Terrorist State. 
Sponsor: Sen Voinovich, George V.- Latest Major Action: 6/30/1999 Senate amendment agreed to 

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